Things you can do to Protect Wheal Vor in Breage Parish
Join Protect Wheal Vor - simply contact us to find out more about joining!
Pressure The Decision Makers
Email makes it easy – send to the following (When contacting decision makers it’s best to write in your own words – but if you’re short of time or inspiration please feel free to use the suggested below*):
1) MP for the Wheal Vor area:
2) Your own local MP:
(Make sure to put your address in the email)
3) Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs:
4) Mineral Planning Authority at Cornwall Council
5) Chair of Breage Parish Council:
6) Local Councillor for Breage Parish Area John Keeling MBE:
Ring in to a Radio Station
Local Radio Stations BBC Radio Cornwall and Pirate FM will sometimes air stories about the resumption of mining in Cornwall - Call in or contact them on Social Media and let your voice be heard!
Write to a Newspaper/ Local News Website
Write in to a local (or even National) newspaper and state your opinion on the proposed resumption of mining in Cornwall - there is plenty of food for thought for their readers!
Local News Contact Details:-
Also you could:-
Keep yourself informed (Subscribe to this site for news updates and articles)
Talk to your neighbours
Join Us!
Cornish Tin Ltd have now been granted the right to drill exploratory bore holes through General Development Planning Orders on three successive occasions. The drilling has clearly been intended to demonstrate the viability of extractive metalliferous mining in the future.
During each phase of exploratory drilling members of the local community have experienced significant disruption and loss of amenity.
I/we strongly object to these phases of exploratory drilling since not only are they in themselves disruptive but any future intention of extractive mining would place an intolerable strain on the area:
1. The Wheal Vor area is now a quiet residential community supporting small businesses, holiday lets, camp sites and many people have chosen to retire there. 100 years on, Wheal Vor is even now recovering from the last rounds of mining.
2. All mining places a burden on the environment. Since the historic mining in Wheal Vor is the known cause of existing high levels of cadmium, mercury and arsenic in the Porthleven Stream, any additional pollution would create an intolerable situation. (Catchment link)
3. The local residents have the right to determine what happens in their community. Such large and disruptive activities should not proceed without formal public scrutiny.
I look forward to your reply,
Yours etc.
........... and if you aren’t satisfied with the answers you receive, go and see them!
Image: Protect Wheal Vor is a Community Group formed in 2021.